Saturday, January 3, 2009

Columbia River Gorge

It's so amazing to be living in the Pacific Northwest again. To be 30 minutes from amazing beauty and wildness...Southern California seems like years ago after living here for a a half a year.
Today I was feeling stir crazy while Amanda was at work. The weather was beautiful (i.e. no rain and clear skies), so I decided to take a drive into the gorge. After driving around and looking for some fun places to hike around, I found a little trail next to the Columbia. It was super quiet (no wind), ice still floating in the water, and the sunset was beautiful. These pictures were actually taken after sunset with longer shutter speeds. They came out pretty good in my opinion...

1 comment:

doctorbarefoot said...

these are beautiful in MY opinion! i love that your love of the Gorge translates into your photos, and I am so glad that hot smoggy southern cal is in our faraway memories.