Today, Tom and I went up to the Clackamas River. The first half of the day was spent fishing. I even had the opportunity to try out a new pair of waders that were waiting for me when I got back from the OR show. The following couple of hours were spent swimming under a bridge. Tom attempted to spear fish with a stick that was carved with a hatchet. A fun time!
Finally, we capped the day off with an amazing drive up a random road. We were met with breathtaking views of Mt. Hood and fields of wildflowers. On the way back, as we were flying down a hill, Tom exclaimed that we had no brakes. Quite the exclamation considering where we were. We realized that somehow a brake line had been severed and I ended up driving us back to Portland using only the gears and the E-brake...pretty crazy. We spent the evening removing the faulty brake line and now the search for a new one...